Richard Howard's passion for wing shooting began in his childhood in Mississippi where he started carrying a BB gun to the field to help his father by dispatching and retrieving doves. This early experience sparked his love for hunting wild birds. With the guidance of his father and his close friends, Howard quickly mastered the skills of shotgun shooting and learned to identify game bird species and sex in flight, essential for ethical hunting.
Wild birds have always captivated Howard, especially in-flight, due to their intricate feather construction.
"Upland birds and wild turkeys use their limited flight capabilities to evade predators, seek food, and find sanctuary, while migrating birds travel thousands of miles annually in search of sustenance and mates for the spring. I have been fortunate to build a 30-year career in the outdoor industry, collaborating with top camouflage companies."
This career has taken Howard hunting across five continents and eleven countries. Throughout these adventures, he has always collected feathers, cherishing the beauty and variety they represent.
Ethically sourced parakeet feathers on swivel clasp with sterling silver ear hooks.