Linda Norman


Dr. Linda Norman is a Psychiatrist practicing in Dalton, Georgia. She completed her residency at the renown Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry in Topeka, Kansas, a training program deeply committed to psycho-dynamic and psychoanalytic understanding of the individual. Dr. Norman sees psychotherapy, the careful crafting of words, as an art form, one that brings to life abstract thoughts and feelings. For her, creating visual art in whatever form is an outward manifestation of a deeply intimate self where the unconscious giveaway to more descriptive symbols, and the internal landscape is represented in colors, textures, and juxtapositions. Creativity is a journey into self-knowledge, a journey accessible to everyone.

Dr. Norman has enjoyed many mediums for self-expression including acrylic, encaustic, and cold wax and oil painting; silk dyeing and painting; eco dying and printing; nuno and wet felting; polymer clay; photography; and paper arts. Currently her medium is oil paint and resin. Although the process may sound simple: apply oil paint to a substrate, let it cure, and then apply UV resin; there is a science to understanding how the paints interact with one another. After applying this understanding, Dr. Norman waits for the miracle of serendipity that never fails to delight-for each piece is unique much like a snowflake.

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