Linda Crossan
saggar fired pottery
Linda Crossan was born in Augusta, Georgia but grew up in Wilmington, Delaware. She attended the University of Delaware before marrying and moving to Los Angeles, California. As a graphics designer and illustrator, Crossman worked for companies including Levi Strauss & Co, Walt Disney Studios and Hanna Barbara. She also took a series of ceramics classes at a community center in Montrose, CA.
“The ability to explore shape, texture and surface is so varied and exciting I am driven to continue to explore it. Built in to the ceramic process is a moment in which an artist must let go and trust the process knowing that there will be surprises at the finale. I love the unexpected and the space I have to make for the clay to become what it wants to be not always what I think it should be.”
Crossman and her family moved to Tennessee where she continued to work as a graphic designer/illustrator. About 7 years ago, she decided to take ceramics classes with her son who discovered clay in college. Crossman realized that clay was always of interest to her and now that is the focus of her attention. Her pieces have appeared in galleries across the country.
Local potter Linda Crossan creates beautiful work with gorgeous glazes. These plates can be purchased individually or as a nested set. Plates measure 8”, 9.5”, 11”.